About me
I am a first-year PhD student at the University of Chicago, where I am advised by Professor Grant Ho. My research focuses on the application of AI to security problems as well as the privacy and security of ML systems. Apart from this, I am also interested in tech policy and the evolving privacy and security implications of generative AI.
I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Pomona College. During undergrad, I worked with Professor Anthony Clark in the ARCS Lab and completed a senior thesis on the defense of federated learning against evasion attacks with Professors Eleanor Birrell and Anthony Clark. Through cybersecurity and software engineering internships, I have built out ML-driven security solutions for sim-swap fraud detection and various mobile applications, including a social media platform for surfers called SurfStop.
If you have any interest in applying to grad school for CS, the Resources tab contains some potentially helpful resources.
Code To PhD
Grace Li and I lead a student-run inter-university initiative called Code to PhD to help underrepresented individuals apply to CS-related PhD programs. We are currently recruiting volunteers for various events and programs. If you are a PhD student interested in helping underrepresented students apply to PhD programs, please fill out this google form!